Want to get £50 off membership of Cornwall Chamber?

Want to get £50 off membership of Cornwall Chamber?

St. Austell Bay Chamber is also a member of Cornwall Chamber which gives as a direct link with business and business know-how across the county. It also gives us better lobbying power with the Government in helping us get a better deal for our area.

Not every business can afford to join Cornwall Chamber which is why joining St. Austell Bay Chamber is a great deal.

Any business with less that 10 employees gets 50% off a new membership, which is the same as the first 6 months free. 


1-9 employees (New members ONLY) = £24 (50% discount)

1-9 employees = £48

10+ employees = £72

Once you are member of St. Austell Bay Chamber, quote St Austell TR15 to receive £50 off your membership of the Cornwall Chamber.  For small businesses that's a great deal! 

Why join St Austell Bay Chamber? Find out here 

And the benefits of being a member of the Cornwall Chamber? Find out more here



