Get the best out of the Chamber website and its Social Media channels


The Chamber website is set up so all members have full control so that they can add news, offers and events they wish to promote about their own businesses on the Chamber website. That is one of the biggest benefits of the Chamber membership.


It is very simple to use. All members need to do is to log on with a User name and Password. If they forget these, it is very simple to reset these. By clicking ‘Forgot Your Log In’ it can be sent to you by email.


Under Website Content, click Edit my Employment, Events, News, Offers, Property. Then click the ADD button.


Once you add your News and Events to the website, you have the option to promote it to the Chamber Facebook Page. Facebook posts should also automatically generate a tweet from the Chamber twitter account.


One tip is to add the date of an event in the Title line. The date of your event, and not just the title will appear on the Home Page.  


The benefits of using the Chamber Website are many:

  1. Anything you add to the Chamber website helps to generate traffic to the Chamber website. Without anything new being added there will be very little online activity.
  2. The more members add, the busier the traffic becomes and it doesn’t just increase the visibility of your business to the wider area, it also increases it for the Chamber as a whole and helps to raise everyone’s online profile.
  3. It gives your business another place to be seen. It’s a free place to advertise your business or property, list your event etc.
  4. You are also increasing your reach through our Social Media Channels, which helps to extend the awareness of your business even further.


One advantage of being able to track the level of traffic and visits to the site generated by news stories and events is that it gives the Chamber great insights into the type of stuff that peak more traffic, it also proves that the more content that is added each month the busier the site immediately becomes and is picked up in Google searches very readily.


One example was the St. Austell Christmas Lights Switch on event last November. In that month we doubled the number of unique visitors from the previous month and half of the traffic came through Google. This was just because we promoted the date of the switch on the Chamber website because it was a local event that would benefit local business. We received more than 1,000 hits for that one post and almost 600 on the day itself.


The lesson from this is to, wherever possible, is link your own business promotions to other key events and dates that you know are either likely to be popular or are also being well promoted elsewhere, such as social events St. Piran’s Day, Mother’s Day, Easter etc. or business related ones: end of tax year, small business Saturday etc.


PLEASE SHARE ALL STORIES that you are sending to the Press to the website too!
