Chamber Meeting - 10th December 2014

Chamber Meeting - 10th December 2014

MINUTES of an OPEN GENERAL MEETING of ST AUSTELL BAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE held on WEDNESDAY 10th DECEMBER 2014 at The Gurkha Restaurant St. Austell, at 5.45pm.


[Meeting started at: 17.53]

1. Welcome & Apologies from the Chair – David Halton (DH) 

Members Present:Stephen Nott, Kevin Park, Karen Egan, Maryna Halton, Simon Gawler, Sam Dunstan,David Avery,Richard Austin, Abid Hussain,Jacky Swain,Tony Goodman, Dave Halton, Jessica Milln, Mark Lewis, Sean Ewart, Julian Tyson, Peter & Amanda Moody, Rainer Newton

Also Present: Kate Walker,Anne Chapman, Cllrs Brian Palmer, Mathew Luke, Malcolm Brown, Derek Collins. 

Apologies for Absence: Sally Heard, Sue Ford, Ian Chalmers, Peter Crawford, Jane Hicks, Greg Henry, Andy Ward, Steve Apted, Ross Sundercombe, Simon Prior, Sonia Bass, Mike Stanford, Susan Ashby, Tony Cousins, Sean Mitchell. 

Apologies sent from invitees: Cllr Anne Double, Cllr John Keast, Cllr Nicky Oxenham, Cllr Tom French

Introduction and Welcome of new members to the Chamber – David Halton (DH)

Malcolm Barnecutt Bakery Ltd 

2. Minutes of meeting held on 23rd October 2014

It was agreed that these should be APPROVED and signed as a correct record.


3. St Austell Retail Strategy: Options Consultation document – Jessica Milln (JM)

In order to put in an official Chamber response to the St Austell and Parishes Town Framework retail strategy public consultation document, members at the meeting (and previously via email) were asked to vote on their preferred options (to three questions) during the meeting. 

The Chamber voted:

1. To support Retail Strategy 2: Town Centre sites where possible, AND identify an out of centre/ out of Town Sites.


2. At the meeting, members did not want to choose a preference and stated that they wanted to vote to support ALL out of centre sites. (Cllr Malcolm Brown (MB)explained that if the Chamber voted for all that was to say that they wanted all sites included in the town plan as potential retail sites).

*However taking into account 19 members who also emailed their preference, ultimately the Chamber’s preferred out of town centre site was Coyte Farm.

3. Retail site options listed in preference collectively were:

  1. Coyte Farm
  2. Old Vicarge Place
  3. Trewhiddle West
  4. Trewhiddle East (A)
  5. Trewhiddle East (B)
  6. Coop, West Hill
  7. Sedgemoor.


To view the full results, click here.


MB explained that members could also respond as individuals (deadline 19th December 2014). There was an online version and also a team of researchers was conduction a door-to-door response of 800 households in St. Austell. The results of the survey will be discussed in a community network meeting (probably in Feb. 2015) to which the public can attend, to discuss the implication of the results of the survey before policy is put in place.


 4. Membership

To discuss ways on how to increase the membership in 2015

The problem: How do we reach further afield and recruit new members? 

Statements from members included:

  • It was perceived that the Chamber was just for the Town Centre rather than including the wider area.
  • The perception was that the Chamber was for older people and not for younger business people.
  • Delivery of what we provide as a chamber is there, but articulation isn’t to non-members.
  • What do members want? To sell more stuff. What members need to do is to communicate to the management committee what they want the Chamber to be able to do to help them achieve this bottom line.


Pete Moody (PM) asked what the numbers of members was compared to last year.

Answer: In November 2013 there were 25 members, in November 2014 there is currently 74.

After an initial surge in growth, numbers of new members joining in recent months had practically flat lined.

It was explained that the surge might have been due to numbers of local businesses being concerned that the Chamber as an organization, did not represent a majority business view for the whole of St. Austell area. If the Chamber was now more successfully reflecting those wider views, businesses were less motivated, out of concern, to join perhaps.

Recruitment ideas included:

  • Asking each member to bring along a guest to meetings and events.
  • Asking members to be ambassadors for the Chamber and spread the word more widely.
  • Put and article in St. Austell Voice / Guardian every month.
  • Create events to help change the people’s perception of the Chamber.
  • Holding meetings outside St. Austell to showcase what we do.
  • Advertising.
  • Create an open forum event, like a road show to promote the Chamber.
  • Using the Cornwall Business Show at the Eden Project in May as an opportunity to create a networking event to attract new members.
  • Create a pop up stand in the Town Centre to promote the Chamber and encourage new members.
  • Create a Value Proposition for the Chamber so the value of being a member is easy to articulate.
  • Creating a list of membership benefit incentives such as discount offers made to Chamber members only.
  • Raise membership subscription to enable there to be more money to enable the Chamber to do more for its members. £36 did not draw members in; however raising the sub also can also raise the perception of value of the organization and what he can achieve.


5. Parking Update – Mike Stanford (MS)  

Mike Stanford was unwell and therefore no update on parking could be given.


6. Carlyon Bay Update – Richard Austin (RA) 

The website has been updated to show the design plans that have been shown at the public exhibitions with some videos to show the architects designs


An application for ‘Reserved Matters’ has been submitted to Cornwall Council to be considered by the Strategic Planning Committee in Feb. 2015

DH commented that, having seen the plans he felt that the development could be a ‘game changer’ for St. Austell.

MB said that the decision on the planning application, from submission to hearing was happening very swiftly.


7. Appoint a BID representative

Mark Lewis put his name forward to be the Chamber’s BID representative.

Andrew Robertson from Cornish Market World had also shown an interest in being the BID representative, however it the BID constitution required the representative to be someone who was already voted by members to be on the management committee.  

Members voted to approve Mark Lewis as the Chamber representative on the BID Directors’ board.


 8. Update on management committee

Kevin Parks, Business Development Manager – Ocean Services, was elected to the management committee. DH proposed, Rainer Newton (RN) seconded.

Kevin is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing for 30 years.

Kevin explained that he is keen to work towards helping to change the image of St. Austell for the better to encourage people to flock to St. Austell to go shopping, to bring businesses to invest in St. Austell, and people to choose to live here, and to bring more members to the Chamber.


Chamber President, James Staughton has resigned from the role as President in a desire to clearly define his role, as Chairman of SABEF (St. Austell Bay Economic Forum) as entirely neutral and impartial.

  • Rainer Newton (RN) suggested taking some time out to consider it.
  • JM asked if the purpose of the President could be explained to the Chamber.
  • DH explained it was an honorary role and that the President made no decisions on the management of the Chamber. The only purpose was to chair at the AGM when the Chairman stepped down for elections.
  • Sara Newton (SN) suggested the role was not particularly needed.
  • JSw asked for confirmation that it was in the constitution.
  • DH confirmed that the decision would either to change the constitution or elect a new President in time.
  • RA questioned whether having a President didn’t sound ‘old fashioned’ and if the Chamber was trying to attract new, younger business people it sent the wrong message.
  • JM said that the trouble with appointing a ‘figure head’ member as President is that they become have to become impartial on all matters that concern the members. The desire is always to appoint a senior business leader but immediately it prevents them from being an active member.
  • DH said that the Mayor had been considered as an option, as this post changed every year, however it would always create a conflict of interest for the Mayor on Chamber matters if they were brought to the Town Council.
  • Other ideas proposed were to ask a ‘local celebrity’ or someone from outside the area, or the Chair of Cornwall Chamber to act as Chair for the AGM meetings only.


Direction on this decision will be added to the next meetings’ agenda.


 9. Cornwall College Business, Promotion

Kath Walker, Business Relationship Manager for Cornwall College Business


  • The college has a team of Business advisors to help provide solutions to some of the issues that you may have in your business.
  • College business certified training courses, e.g. food safety; accountancy spreadsheets and so also offered to help businesses tackle the need for formal qualifications and training.
  • Have over 200 apprenticeships available, so may be an opportunity when needed to take on new staff. If not taken on an apprentice in last 12mths businesses may also qualify for a £1,500 grant for taking on a 16-24 yr old.
  • Offer learning in the workplace and assessment for many qualifications for just doing your everyday job.
  • Can provide leadership and management training and accredit this with a qualification of something learnt already through experience.
  • Many development projects, e.g. Eden. Offering a 2-day course in learning about Eden’s integrating sustainability into their business used as showcase to inspire participants in this program.
  • European Social Funding (ESF) still available for skills training. Much runs out in July 2015. Funding based on eligibility based on prior achievement. Some courses are free.
  • Propose that Chamber members can arrange to have one of college business advisors make an appointment to call in to see you to discuss your business and any needs the college can help identify.

DH asked members if they agree that the Chamber would forward a contacts list of Chamber members so that the college can call members to contact them directly.

Agree that the Chamber should work in association with the college.

Tony Goodman (TG) endorsed the college training saying that he had put 50 employees through Basic Food Hygiene because there was so much funding available. A 3-day course would have cost upwards of £1,500 and to take advantage of the funding while it still available.


10. Any Other Business / Q & A

  1. Mark Lewis attended  Enterprise Advisor Networks launch meeting in Truro for ‘Enterprise and Schools Together’. This is not the Young Enterprise Scheme but in some ways working alongside in that it is bringing business knowledge into schools.

They are looking for two levels of help from the business community:

  • Business people to go into schools and speak to groups on aspects of business that the school groups might need particular help with.
  • Business mentors to help young people coming out from schools and colleges who plan to start their own business and to hold their hands through that process.


Please contact Mark for more information:


  1. Foxhole School is looking for a Community Governor.

The commitment would be attending three meetings a year as a minimum, but the school is always appreciative of any additional involvement people might be able for. If interested, please contact:

Sarah Cooke, Head teacher - Foxhole Learning Academy01726 822416


 3. Dave Halton spoke to Dave Pooley, following up on discussions had in previous Chamber meeting regarding anti social behaviour in the town centre. 

Update: Ian Chalmers (IC) attended the Town Council’s summit on this issue as the Chamber representative on 13th November.

IC report said:

  • Summit meeting attended by 38 representatives from interested organisations and councillors, which reflected the level of concern.
  • Contributions from attendees included shop owners who highlighted the extent of the problem.
  • The provision of services for ex offenders etc. was also clearly aware of the problems and takes these seriously.
  • Police service, represented by Edward Guard, Acting Inspector for St. Austell, and 2 other members of the force.
  • Reassuring to learn that all involved have a real will to improve the situation.
  • Summit agreed that a smaller working party should be set up to meet more regularly and who would be responsible for formulating and implementing an action plan.
  • Volunteers were asked to put themselves forward for inclusion on the group (all places now taken).
  • Envisioned that they will next meet before Christmas.


 12. Date of next Chamber meeting- 28th January 2015


[Meeting ended at: 18.58]
