The St Austell Retail Strategy consultation document looks at six different sites with potential for retail use.
Three sites are in the town centre and three sites are outside of the town centre. There are a number of questions seeking your preference around the retail strategy and sites.
The Retail site options are:
Potential Retail Strategy 1: Town Centre/edge of centre ONLY
This strategy would seek to prioritise delivery of new retail floor space to only town centre sites; meaning the strategy would not be actively supporting out of town retail proposals.
These sites are:
1. Old Vicarage Place
2. Sedgemoor
3. Coop, West Hill
Potential Retail Strategy 2: Support Town Centre PLUS identify out of centre / out of Town retail
This strategy option would mean support would be given, where possible to the town centre; but there would also be active encouragement to deliver retail proposals on an out of centre/town location, as long as it complies with the National Planning Policy Framework and the emerging Cornwall Local Plan: Strategic Policies document, in particular Policy 4.
These sites are:
1. Old Vicarage Place
2. Sedgemoor
3. Coop, West Hill
PLUS the following out of centre / out of Town sites:
4. Trewhiddle area: East (4A/4B)
5. Trewhiddle area: West (5)
6. Coyte Farm
The consultation period, for the public views on the retail strategy and retail site options in and around St Austell, runs from 10 November till 19 December 2014.
Please use the online survey to record your answers.