MINUTES of an OPEN GENERAL MEETING of ST AUSTELL BAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE held on WEDNESDAY 24th SEPTEMBER 2014 at The Gurkha Restaurant St. Austell, at 5.45pm.
[Meeting started at: 17.50]
1. Welcome & Apologies from the Chair – David Halton (DH)
Members Present: Tony Cousins, Mike Stanford, David Avery, Catherine Brealey, Tamsin Mann, Mark Torr, Jessica Milln, Jacky Swain, Mark Lewis, David Halton, Jonanthan Eade, Tony Goodman, Kevin Park, Colin Hunter, Gerald Banks, Susan Ashby, Abid Hussain, Stephen Nott, Peter Crawford, Mark Hollis, Nicola Hollis Wendy Frankcom, Dave Frankcom.
Also Present: Paula Hutchens, Daisy Cousins, Cllrs Anne Double, Nicky Oxenham, Brian Palmer, Malcolm Brown, Tom French.
Apologies for Absence: Ian Chalmers, Peter Moody, Richard Austin, Adrian Mutton, Andy Ward, Nicola Hoar, Ross Sundercombe, Sally Heard, Sue Ford, Chris Rickard, Steve Apted, Kevin Fusher, Sean Mitchell, Dave Watson.
Apologies sent from invitees: Cllrs Sandra Heyward, Val Bradford, John Keast.
Introduction and Welcome of new members to the Chamber – David Halton (DH)
Mark Hollis – Finesse Chauffeurs
Chris Rickard – Arumtech Solutions
Wendy Frankcom – Into the Realm
2. Minutes of meeting held on 24th July 2014
It was agreed that these should be APPROVED and signed as a correct record.
3. Notices from the Secretary – Jessica Milln (JM)
1. Council stages first live online Q & A session as public invited to quiz Cabinet Member on budget. ‘Cover it Live’, Tomorrow 12-2pm Live Chat with Alex Folkes, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources, will be available for people to ask questions on the budget and the future of Cornwall. (Details available on Chamber website as an event and news) http://www.staustellchamber.co.uk/events/339/cover_it_live
2. Ian Chalmers’ Treasurer’s update:
Current account £3,639.43
Project account £2,556.52
3. Notice that the entry to the HUB Awards extended deadline to 6pm Tuesday 30th Sept. The Chamber wishes to encourage local businesses to enter awards as it helps to raise their profile and profile of St. Austell as a place for business. http://www.staustellchamber.co.uk/news/319/the_hub_awards_2014
Tony Goodman (TG) said he had entered the Hub Awards with ‘Sams on the Bay’ on Crinnis Beach.
4. The South and East Cornwall LEADER Local Action Group (looking for members).
http://www.localactioncornwall.info/uploads/ricks/clld-and-leader/south-and-east-cornwall-leader-local-development-strategyfinal-for-defra.pdf Please contact JM for more details if a member from the Chamber is interested in joining that group.
5. ‘Meet the Manager’ – business profile piece in the St. Austell Voice has lapsed. Please let me know if you or your business has news to share, something to celebrate, as you will be an ideal candidate to help us raise your profile.
4. Associated Memberships & Committee Member Appointment
Mike Stanford (MS) advised the members that he had retired and was no longer running a business. There were no objections to approve his position within the Chamber as an associated member.
Cllr Nicky Oxenham (NOx) presented to the members her extensive business knowledge from a career working in corporate Blue Chip businesses and on the UK board of multi-national manufacturing companies and waste management industries. It was deemed by the committee that her considerable knowledge would be of great benefit to the Chamber, and that her position as a Town Councillor would be an asset in easing the communication between the business community and councillors. Members were asked if they would approve NOx as an associated member without payment and therefore no voting rights. A show of hands approved this.
Tony Goodmanpresented to the members an extensive experience in pub management, as a lecturer at Cornwall College in business hospitality, an A1 assessor, and Mary Portas trained in retail. Set up a training / consultancy company and now look after all the Sams restaurants (Sams on the Bay was Tony’s project), Britannia Inn and Bistro in Fowey.
DH said that the committee wished to bring Tony on board as a committee member as his considerable experience and the fact that he has shown he is not afraid to speak his mind. A show of hands from members approved this.
5. Junior Chamber Update – Dave Watson (DW)
DW had given his apologies, so JM read out his Update for Junior Chamber
DW is currently looking at working with all local feeder schools and St Austell College on Business and Enterprise activities throughout the year. This will be through the completion of Enterprise activities run by the local schools in conjunction with the group Young Enterprise. Lucie Robinson has taken on the running of the YE projects with the schools and that has freed DW’s involvement and time.
DW’s proposal is that the Chamber increases this working relationship with Young Enterprise, and begins to network on how business can be involved in the projects currently being undertaken, and those planed in the future. Also DW wants to be able to help develop links between businesses and all feeder schools.
In addition to this, DW will be looking to set up a serious of Network meeting for local business and feeder schools. This event will be open to any local business within the Chamber, who would be interested in building links and supporting our young people. The first event will most likely be held at Penrice Academy and poses a press opportunity for the school and businesses that would like to be involved.
DW would welcome feedback from businesses on this opportunity, as an open discussion, and interest registered to my email – dwatson@penrice.org.uk to be able to continue to plan further known better numbers etc. More information will follow as this proposal progresses.
JM suggested that the Chamber should form a Junior Chamber Group who would like to be involved and meet DW in the school. Please email secretary@staustellchamber.co.uk if you would be interested in being part of that group.
6. Carlyon Bay Progress – Richard Austin (RA)
RA had given his apologies, so JM read out his update
“After a successful public display of Phase 2, incorporating the retail and leisure areas on Crinnis beach within the main accommodation areas, I was delighted to be invited to the Shorthorn display (Phase 1) on behalf of the Chamber.
There was a good turn out on the Friday 12th and Saturday 13th September 2014 from the general public which seem to be really keen, quote: “On getting this built”.
There’s some superb design and landscaping features which will complement both phases and link beautifully together, along with a nature area towards the far end with steps leading back up onto the golf course and footpath. I feel this will start getting St Austell Bay / town back on the map and can only enhance and help maintain stronger property values in and around the area, which could also improve further with the other retail and leisure development possibilities, and can’t think of anywhere else in this Country you could have such a development.
They have assured us that, though it seems like this has been going on for ages, they have been working hard behind the scenes and more formal detailed planning is being sent to the planning department, so we should know more in the next couple of months. However, they are still aiming to start clearing the site Spring 2015.
People have been worried about the perception of value, due to it having such lovely designs, and that they could be priced outside locals reach. I was informed many of these properties will be attainable to the local market conditions of St Austell /Cornwall.
Another positive note, I was so pleased to see many people walking the beach and kids playing, not only at weekends, but evenings through the week, I believe this has been helped with the arrival of Sam’s pop up restaurant. This has been invaluable addition and has seen footfall increase. A fantastic idea.
There was due to be a water sports centre appear but sadly it was a bit late in the season. HOWEVER due to the success of Sam’s, the developers hope to offer other pop up style of restaurant/I to other local businesses next year along with the arrival of some water sports. With people being attracted down due to these new ventures on the beach, it also gives them the opportunity to pop in and see the development plans. From people I know that have done this, they have been really surprised on how nice the designs are and even more that it is for us all to use!!
Let’s hope we can prove sceptics wrong and get this started ASAP.
7. Update on Parking Proposals – Mike Stanford (MS)
8. Business Survey Update and Initial Results – Jessica Milln (JM)
9. Breakfast Meetings Update – Tony Cousins (TC)
10. Cliff Head Hotel –Christmas party
11. AOB / Q&A
MB said there is a ‘Safer St. Austell’ partnership but is a matter to mention to Sandra Heyward as affecting her ward. The Police support officers have been reduced in numbers buy that shouldn’t be an excuse. MS suggested that we should as a Chamber write to the Police expression our concerns.
12. Date of next Chamber meeting plus any other diary dates – David Halton next date: 23rd October 2014 – venue to be decided.
[Meeting ended at: 19.16]