VOTE for the SEA Cadets

VOTE for the SEA Cadets


Vote for the Sea Cadets to receive the Lloyd's Bank Community Grant for 2014

On behalf of St Austell Sea Cadets, I very much hope you can help.

The Sea Cadets were successful in getting through to the final stage of the Lloyd's Bank Community Grant for 2014, which is the public vote. If they are successful in this venture, they will receive £3,000 for the unit.

The unit's future is somewhat unpredictable due to our having to move units next June and with that in mind, the Sea Cadets will need to make sure we raise as much funds as possible to assist our transition to a new premises, wherever that might be.

Can I therefore ask you to vote for them to secure this grant by any (or all!) of the following means, alternatively go into your local Lloyd Bank branch - there are 3 other groups in our "Community", so the more votes we get, the better chance we have of securing this funding.
Website: - search for St Austell Sea Cadets or by our Postcode (PL25 4PW) - you will be sent a confirmation email when you've voted - PLEASE ENSURE YOU CLICK ON THE LINK IN YOUR EMAIL FOR THE VOTE TO COUNT.
Twitter: Tweet #COMMFUND TZK - Any re-tweets of your tweet will also count as a vote so get your friends re-tweet!
SMS: Text "VOTE TZK" to 61119 - Only 1 vote per mobile number will be allowed.

Thank you, most sincerely, in advance for your help.
Voting is open now until 23:59 on Friday 10th October so GET VOTING and help us help the young people of St Austell and surrounding areas.

